Citizens and Police Cooperating for Near Northeast and the H Street NE Corridor.

Survey Findings at H & 8th Street NE


During our Aug. 8 Police Service Area 102 meeting, participating residents toured the sidewalks and alleys near the H & 8th Street NE intersection. As part of the community-policing concept of Partnership for Problem Solving, we identified a collection of quality of life issues to be addressed by all stakeholders (residents/customers, businesses, city agencies, Metro Transit) to create an environment which is both safe and clean for everyone. MPD was represented by PSA 102 Lt. Sharon McInnis, outreach coordinator Al Coles, and H Street Beat Officers Walsh and Nguyen.

One business owner from the Ohio Restaurant attended the meeting, and we welcome more input from H Street businesses and HSMS. The next step is to prioritize the issues and bring together all stakeholders to outline an action plan to rememdy the problems. Our objective is to expand the model east and west along the H Street corridor.

Our next PSA 102 meeting is Sept. 12, 7-8:30 p.m. at Sherwood Rec Center, 10th and G Streets NE.

Streets (general)
* Gum (black spots) on the sidewalks
* Unkempt tree boxes
* Trash bags outside of city trash containers
* Litter
* Street light out
* Overgrown weeds/shrubs in south alley of 700 block of H Street
* Urination/Feces behind the Foot Locker
* Trash dumped in alley behind Foot Locker
* Empty beer cans
* Rusty chain around base of street light/sign
* Graffiti

* Hidden ATM (Bank of America), insufficient lighting
* Suntrust ATM, insufficient lighting
* Faded, torn, dirty, temporary (vinyl) signage displayed too long.
* Burned out lights on H Street Connection store signs.
* Unkempt bushes at H Street Connection.
* Scratched, clouded plexiglass windows in restaurant establishments.
* Blue tubs behind H Street Connection (Rite Aid)
* Mattresses behind H Street Connection
* Rent-a-Center trucks parked in H Street Connection, blocking view of interior sidewalks
* Signs of public urination and defecation inside H Street Connection, behind Rite Aid and behind Foot Locker
* Pouring grease down drain in alley (700 block of H, north side)

* Overuse of truck Jake Breaks
* Illegal Posters
* Open all window roll-down shutters when business is open (i.e. Sports Zone)
* Unlicensed vendors (CDs, singles, cigarettes, etc.)
* Assess the positioning of four bus stops. Could reduce pedestrian overcrowding in one area.
* Bus-stop shelter glass is shattered about once per month.
* Passed out men/drunk men corner of 7th and H/I (called D.C. Fire / EMS to assist)
* Abandoned call-boxes (candidates for artistic improvement)

Surveying H Street NE Issues


Residents and MPD officers survey the intersection of H and 8th Streets NE for issues that can be addressed through the Partnership for Problem Solving process. (Kara Bunte photo)

Friends, Neighbors and the Mayor at National Night Out


The heat didn't stop Washington D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams (right) and other neighbors from dancing the Electric Slide--led by MPD Sgt. L Washington (center)--during the PSA 102 National Night Out event at Sherwood Recreation Center. Among the festivities were a DJ, moon bounce, face painting, grilled food, and drinks. Click for a larger view. (Klavitter photo)

Children lined up for the always-popular face painting. (CLICK FOR A LARGER VIEW) (David Klavitter photo)
MPD Assistant Chief Brian Jordan tries his hand at the hoops. (CLICK FOR A LARGER VIEW) (David Klavitter photo)
Enjoying the moon bounce. (CLICK FOR A LARGER VIEW) (David Klavitter photo)
WaitingForHotDogs08012006 Serving up grilled hot dogs and fried catfish. (CLICK FOR A LARGER VIEW) (David Klavitter photo)
Cotton candy was a hit with children and adults alike. (CLICK FOR A LARGER VIEW) (David Klavitter photo)
Dave and Al in a more serious moment during PSA 102's National Night Out. (CLICK FOR A LARGER VIEW) (Kara Bunte photo)

About volunteer coordinators:

  • Klav
  • Washington, D.C., United States
  • Supporting freedom of speech, religion, the right to assemble and the right to peace and quiet.
  • My profile

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