Thefts from Auto and Auto Thefts Trend Upward in PSA 102
Published Monday, February 12, 2007 by Klav | E-mail this post
During monthly Police Service Area (PSA) 102 meetings, we track, over a two year period, crimes in several catagories reported to MPD each month. These catgories include: homicide, sexual assault, robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary, theft, theft from auto, and stolen auto (drug crimes are not yet factored in by MPD).
In PSA 102 (which includes H Street NE) during the two-year period ending Jan. 31, statistics show a downward trend in homicides, robberies, burglaries, assaults with deadly weapon, and thefts.
However, the two catagories with steep upward trends: thefts from auto and auto thefts.
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